We need your help. If we are going to turn this country around we need the help of more than just a few. You can help by doing these very important things:
First, please please show up at the polls November 5th to vote. There was low Republican turn out this year and you can help if you will show up and vote Republican. We have great candidates this year. We need to overturn the presidency and hold onto our seats at the State and Federal levels. We cannot do that without YOU showing up to vote.
Secondly, will you please consider getting involved in another way. There are several opportunities to support the push. We need poll watchers who will volunteer with the Voter Integrity Committee during early voting and election day to keep eyes on the elections. We need candidate support such as making phone calls to other conservatives asking them to vote. We need people who will host candidate signs in their yards. Some people can support the party with a donation. Joining with other patriots at a grassroots level makes the overall effort forge ahead successfully.
Can we count on you to vote and to help in at least one other way? If so, please email the Republican party at actngop@gmail.com. Visit our website for more information at www.actngop.com. We value our relationship with YOU.